If the transaction failed but the funds have been debited from your account, contact the support team and give the details of this transaction (currency or value).
If the transaction is pending, there is nothing to worry about, as we process BTC deposits after 2 confirmations on the network. All you need to do is to wait for the transfer to be completed. Sometimes it may take a couple of hours, it depends on the load of the network.
NB: Large BTC amounts may take longer to get processed for security reasons.
How to trace your transactions?
You can easily track the status of your transactions by going to the blockchain explorer from your Portfolio page.
From your Portfolio, go to the account you used to make a transaction.
Click on the transaction you are looking for. In the opened window, you’ll see its TxID.
Click on it, and the opened link will bring you to the page with all the necessary information.
If you have any questions, please contact our support team via live chat or by email at support@cryptopay.me.