To exchange currencies stored in your business account with Cryptopay, go to the Accounts section and click the Exchange button next to the corresponding account.
Next, you will see our currency exchange tool. Simply choose the account of the currency you would like to convert your funds to (in the To section), enter the amount, and click Exchange.
We charge a 1% conversion fee for exchanges.
You can also click MAX to convert all the funds from the account in the first (From) section to the currency selected in the second (To) section.
To complete the conversion, press Exchange, enter your 2FA code, and click Confirm:
Here's a tip! If you need to convert your crypto to EUR in order to withdraw funds to your bank account, please note that withdrawals can only be made to a business bank account within the SEPA zone.
The withdrawal fee in this case will be 0.09 EUR. For more details about bank transfers from a business account, please refer to this article.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us in the live chat or via email at