Your business account can allow multiple users to access it and perform various operations depending on the user role and access level.
The list of account users can be accessed and managed if you click on the gear button in the top right corner of your account and select Users:
There are 6 user roles: Root, Admin, Spend, Support, Create and View.
Each of them has different levels of access and can only perform operations allowed for the role:
Root is the business account owner. This role is automatically applied to the user who created the business account. Root can use all available options and features to the fullest, e.g. create users, as well as manage API and account transactions.
The Admin role is sufficient for developers or other team members in charge of technical questions. Admin has full access to the business account but, unlike “Root”, can’t add new users.
Spend is suitable for those in charge of fiat and cryptocurrency operations. Such users can’t manage API and project settings.
The Support role is suitable for handling financial operations such as invoices, refunds, and recalculation.
Create can manage hosted catalogues and web checkouts.
View only has an option to check information in your business account, but not change it.
You can choose suitable roles for new users while adding them to your business account:
Once you fill in the corresponding fields, choose the role and click Add a user, and an email invitation will be sent to the email address provided. Then, your team member has to click the Confirm your email button in the email to join. The link is active for 6 hours. When your colleagues click the link, they are redirected to our platform where they need to enter their login details:
When the password is set up, new users get access to your business account and can perform any actions in accordance with their role. You will see all of your added and invited users in the Users tab in Settings.
NB: The Resend an invitation email button under the users’ details is active until they click the confirmation button in the invitation email:
Being a Root, you can also lock and unlock users in your account:
If the users are locked, they are marked with a red label in your Users list:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email at